What you are and are not varicose veins

When the varicose veins the patient should change his way of life is limited to a maximum of a couple of things. If the restrictions are not many. Find out what you should do in the event of varicose veins.

The main prohibition against a sedentary lifestyle

Healthy veins in the legs

One of the main contraindications to the use of the varicose expansion of veins, a sedentary lifestyle. The function of the veins that return blood from the extremities to the heart and the lungs. The movement of the muscles in it to help push the blood upwards. Thanks to the muscular activity of the machine works fine and the system of venous valves, thus preventing the reversal of blood flow. Varicose veins are reached, when the operation of the valves is broken, and the lack of movement will only increase this process.

The negative impact on the condition of the veins, impact, and static electricity. Thus, long-distance, or seat-it leads to stagnation of the blood in the veins and it has expanded.

A factor in the development of varicose veins, it is also over-weight, has an additional burden in the vein of one of its members. So, if you are overweight, it is necessary to fight in the first place, and with the help of physical exercises. And that is exactly what the sport, it can be used when the varicose veins, you are going to learn how to follow.

Gym to when of varicose veins

Perhaps the most useful of the physical domain, when the varicose expansion of veins, it is a dive. In the first place, during the ride, the feet did not feel a strong charge, and the density of the water does not allow you to stagnate the blood in his veins.

If you do not have excess weight, when you varicose veins useful nature trails. For individuals with excess weight suitable for hiking, on the average, to pace, to even be able to "normalize" your weight.

If you like to exercise when varicose veins is recommended to choose the exercises that are performed from a lying or sitting position to not expose the feet. It also allows for yoga in the east and the west with Latin america.

Gym to when of varicose veins: it is not allowed?

If you have varicose veins, then you should know about the sport, where you have to run and jump. Say a resounding "no," I run, do step aerobics, rope, and some kinds of dancing.

It also should not be forgotten, on the bar, and the other exercises included in your weight lifting. Keep in mind that the varicose expansion of veins, it is not recommended to raise the earth's gravity, it's more than 3-5 pounds.

The hot procedure, you can go to the sauna, and free of varicose veins?

Varicose veins the legs really don't like the heat. Keep your feet away from radiators and other heat sources. A shower with hot water, steam, and sauna are contra-indications in the varicose veins. Even if you don't already have varicose veins, but it is a predisposition (for example, hereditary), they are not the recommended treatment for the hot water.

And here it is in a shower of feeling, on the contrary it will be useful to you. And it's still useful, after each taking a shower or bath, rinse the feet off with cold water.

The power supply when the varicose veins

No significant limitation when the varicose veins do not. The only thing that you have to sacrifice, that is, the meat, the sauces, marinades, and smoking, contrary to the operation of the vessel. And the rest of the food when you of varicose veins, is almost not any different from a regular diet.

If you have any problems with the fluids of the body, it is recommended to limit your salt intake to prevent water retention, which is carried out on the vessel with the cargo.

Varicose veins in women, it usually happens or is going on during the pregnancy. And, generally, in the second, or further, With the increase in the period of pregnancy increases the risk of developing varicose veins.

To sit on a rigid diet-it makes sense, if you are suffering from excess weight. And then they show you a low-calorie diet to help you lose weight and feel better. You can see how each one of the orphaned case you are going to become more and more easy.

When the varicose veins, the doctors recommend that you enrich your diet with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure your body has the vitamins, especially vitamin c, routine, bioflavonoid, and other substances that are biologically active.